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Guillaume St-Onge


    Optimization and performance analytics of global aircraft-based wastewater surveillance networks

    Guillaume St-Onge, Jessica T. Davis, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Antoine Allard, Alessandra Urbinati, Samuel V. Scarpino, Matteo Chinazzi, Alessandro Vespignani

    Adaptive hypergraphs and the characteristic scale of higher-order contagions using generalized approximate master equations

    Giulio Burgio, Guillaume St-Onge, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne

    Detecting structural perturbations from time series with deep learning

    Edward Laurence, Charles Murphy, Guillaume St-Onge, Xavier Roy-Pomerleau, Vincent Thibeault


Published articles

    Ensemble2: Scenarios ensembling for communication and performance analysis

    Clara Bay, Guillaume St-Onge, Jessica T. Davis, Matteo Chinazzi, Emily Howerton, Justin Lessler, Michael C. Runge, Katriona Shea, Shaun Truelove, Cecile Viboud, Alessandro Vespignani

    Epidemics, 46, 100748 (2024)

    Nonlinear bias toward complex contagion in uncertain transmission settings

    Guillaume St-Onge, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Antoine Allard

    Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 121, e2312202121 (2023)

    Journal arXiv
    Hierarchical team structure and multidimensional localization (or siloing) on networks

    Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Guillaume St-Onge, John Meluso, James Bagrow, Antoine Allard

    J. phys. Complex., 4, 14850 (2023)

    Journal arXiv
    Source-sink behavioural dynamics limit institutional evolution in a group-structured society

    Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Timothy M. Waring, Guillaume St-Onge, Meredith T. Niles, Laura Kati Corlew, Matthew P. Dube, Stephanie J. Miller, Nicholas Gotelli, Brian J. McGill

    R. Soc. Open Sci., 9, 211743 (2022)

    Journal arXiv
    Influential groups for seeding and sustaining nonlinear contagion in heterogeneous hypergraphs

    Guillaume St-Onge, Iacopo Iacopini, Vito Latora, Alain Barrat, Giovanni Petri, Antoine Allard, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne

    Commun. Phys., 5, 25 (2022)

    Journal arXiv
    Universal Nonlinear Infection Kernel from Heterogeneous Exposure on Higher-Order Networks

    Guillaume St-Onge, Hanlin Sun, Antoine Allard, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Ginestra Bianconi

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 127, 158301 (2021)

    Journal arXiv
    Social Confinement and Mesoscopic Localization of Epidemics on Networks

    Guillaume St-Onge, Vincent Thibeault, Antoine Allard, Louis J. Dubé, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 126, 098301 (2021)

    Journal arXiv
    Inference, Model Selection, and the Combinatorics of Growing Trees

    George T. Cantwell, Guillaume St-Onge, Jean-Gabriel Young

    Phys. Rev. Lett., 126, 038301 (2021)

    Journal arXiv Github
    Master equation analysis of mesoscopic localization in contagion dynamics on higher-order networks

    Guillaume St-Onge, Vincent Thibeault, Antoine Allard, Louis J. Dubé, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne

    Phys. Rev. E, 103, 13505 (2021)

    Journal arXiv
    Localization, epidemic transitions, and unpredictability of multistrain epidemics with an underlying genotype network

    Blake J. M. Williams, Guillaume St-Onge, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne

    PLOS Comput. Biol., 17, e1008606 (2021)

    Journal arXiv
    Threefold way to the dimension reduction of dynamics on networks: an application to synchronization

    Vincent Thibeault, Guillaume St-Onge, Louis J. Dubé, Patrick Desrosiers

    Phys. Rev. Research, 2, 043215 (2020)

    Journal arXiv
    Network comparison and the within-ensemble graph distance

    Harrison Hartle, Brennan Klein, Stefan McCabe, Alexander Daniels, Guillaume St-Onge, Charles Murphy, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne

    Proc. Math. Phys. Eng. Sci, 476, 20190744 (2020)

    Journal arXiv
    Thresholding normally distributed data creates complex networks

    George T. Cantwell, Yanchen Liu, Benjamin F. Maier, Alice C. Schwarze, Carlos A. Serván, Jordan Snyder, Guillaume St-Onge

    Phys. Rev. E, 101, 062302 (2020)

    Journal arXiv
    Phase Transition in the Recoverability of Network History

    Jean-Gabriel Young, Guillaume St-Onge, Edward Laurence, Charles Murphy, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Patrick Desrosiers

    Phys. Rev. X, 9, 041056 (2019)

    Journal arXiv Github
    Efficient sampling of spreading processes on complex networks using a composition and rejection algorithm

    Guillaume St-Onge, Jean-Gabriel Young, Laurent Hébert-Dufresne, Louis J. Dubé

    Comput. Phys. Commun., 240, 30 (2019)

    Journal arXiv Github
    Universality of the stochastic block model

    Jean-Gabriel Young, Guillaume St-Onge, Patrick Desrosiers, Louis J. Dubé

    Phys. Rev. E, 98, 030309 (2018)

    Journal arXiv
    Geometric evolution of complex networks with degree correlations

    Charles Murphy, Antoine Allard, Edward Laurence, Guillaume St-Onge and Louis J. Dubé

    Phys. Rev. E, 97, 032309 (2018)

    Journal arXiv
    Phase transition of the susceptible-infected-susceptible dynamics on time-varying configuration model networks

    Guillaume St-Onge, Jean-Gabriel Young, Edward Laurence, Charles Murphy, Louis J. Dubé

    Phys. Rev. E, 97, 022305 (2018)

    Journal arXiv
    Exact vectorial model for nonparaxial focusing by arbitrary axisymmetric surfaces

    Denis Panneton, Guillaume St-Onge, Michel Piché, and Simon Thibault

    J. Opt. Soc. Am., 33, 801 (2016)

    Needles of light produced with a spherical mirror

    Denis Panneton, Guillaume St-Onge, Michel Piché, and Simon Thibault

    Opt. Lett., 4, 419 (2015)



    Processus de contagion sur réseaux complexes au-delà des interactions dyadiques

    (Contagion processes on complex networks beyond dyadic interactions)

    Guillaume St-Onge

    Dynamiques de propagation sur réseaux aléatoires: caractérisation de la transition de phase

    (Propagation dynamics on random networks: characterization of the phase transition)

    Guillaume St-Onge
